Do you find yourself in a time of waiting not knowing where to turn or what to do? I’m in that place with my writing. After pitching my manuscript to editors, literary agents and publishers, waiting for a positive response is agonizing. Often I wonder, will anyone want to pick up my book and think it’s worthy of publishing? It’s tempting to give up. However, I’ve found three actions that help me stay the course. When God says wait: I pray, ponder and prepare.
One of my favorite passages in the Bible is the Book of Esther. In this story, packed with plot twists and intrigue, a Jewish orphan turned queen saves her people from impending doom. God’s presence weaves within the tale even though His name is never mentioned. Most remember Esther for the famous quote by her cousin, Mordecai, “Perhaps you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this.” Yet an unanticipated pause in the story fascinates me even more. We can learn much about waiting from how Esther responded.

Pray for Direction
Esther initially reacted with fear and powerlessness after Mordecai informed her of Hamon’s edict to annihilate the Jews. King Xerxes could order her death if she approached him without being summoned. But Mordecai reminded her that living in the palace would not protect her from Haman’s wrath. She must use her influence to reverse the edict. Instead of going directly to the king, however, Esther first asked the Jewish community to pray and fast with her. She sought the Lord’s direction before acting.
Ponder God’s Word
Esther didn’t simply call out to the Lord in anguish for her people. During this waiting period, she listened and pondered God’s response. We see this in the story when she paused between two banquets before requesting the king’s intervention. This allowed God to soften the king’s heart toward the Jews during a sleepless night when a servant read of an assassination attempt foiled by Mordecai.
We must heed Esther’s example. It’s often easy to pray without allowing quiet time to hear God speak through His Spirit and His word. When we move ahead of His timing, we risk thwarting the good plans He has for us.

Prepare for Success
During the time between deciding to intervene for her people and making her request to the king, Esther didn’t only pray and ponder. She prepared to present herself to the king in the best possible light. Her attractive appearance and delectable meals enticed the king to respond positively to Esther when she approached him.
In this same way, as you navigate your waiting period, prepare for success. Do your homework and look the part when approaching those who can help you accomplish your dreams. For me this means attending classes and reading books to improve my writing and presenting myself in a professional manner. Step by step, I prepare for success while waiting.
Practice Patience in the Pause
When God says wait, know that it’s for a reason. His timing is perfect. Meanwhile, pray for direction, ponder His word, and prepare for success. Who knows, the fulfillment of your dream may be waiting right around the next corner! Practice patience in the pause.