In the Christian calendar, this is Holy Week. It’s the short time between Palm Sunday and Easter when Jesus entered Jerusalem, died by crucifixion, and rose from the dead. For the people nearest him, it was an emotional rollercoaster. Have you ever thought about how the disciples must have felt? They certainly experienced deep darkness before the dawn on Easter morn.
After three years traveling through Israel with Jesus, their expectations were high. Here was a leader like no other with authority to cast out demons and raise the dead. If he possessed this kind of power, why didn’t he defend himself when the chief priests and temple guard arrested him? They led him away like a sheep to slaughter. He was beaten and whipped then nailed to a cross without making a move to stop the torture. Everyone of the disciples ran except for John, a few women and his mother.

When Jesus was laid in the tomb on Friday afternoon before sundown, their world crumbled. All the disciples plans died at the cross. The darkness of that Saturday was overwhelming. What were they to do now? Go back to their old lives and start over?
But God had a better plan.
If only they listened to Jesus, they would realize this wasn’t the end. He clearly told them he had to die but would rise again. They couldn’t comprehend the horror of the cross leading to anything good. Though Jesus understood his mission and willingly walked to his death to give us eternal life. He endured our darkness before the dawn of Easter morning to give us what we cannot earn ourselves.

The disciples didn’t understand it then as many still don’t today. Only when they met the resurrected Jesus after he rose from the dead, did they finally comprehend the magnitude of his sacrifice and gift of saving grace. Each one of these men with the exception of John, died a martyr’s death telling the world about Jesus, their Lord and Savior. Yes, they experienced darkness before the dawn, but counted it all worthwhile in comparison to the glory awaiting them for eternity.
It is written that the Christ would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day and that a change of hearts and lives and forgiveness of sins would be preached in his name to all nations, starting at Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.
Luke 24:46-48 NCV: The words of Jesus after his resurrection
Sometimes the darkness is deepest right before the dawn.