When it comes to snapping photos, I’m a self-proclaimed addict. Ask my husband. I stop whatever I’m doing, pull off the road, or run across a field to catch a beautiful scene. Only my love of nature surpasses my passion for photography. It thrills me when the opportunity arises to capture God’s created handiwork with my camera. But often I’m surprised by an unexpected masterpiece.
While driving home from work earlier this week, I watched the sun sitting low on the western horizon. Clouds covered its form though golden beams peaked through breaks in the overcast sky. From the south, a flock of Canadian geese in a V-formation flew into my line of sight. Their winged silhouettes soared against the golden backdrop of this celestial panorama. The scene was breathtaking but all too brief to even reach for my camera.

No worry. A myriad of magnificent scenes fill my mind with vibrant memories. I don’t need a camera to record them all. Each one I extract and revisit with gratitude. These small gifts tucked away in the recesses of my brain are vivid reminders pointing out the divine nature of God and his power throughout creation. The complexity and beauty of the natural world is a testament to his existence. Even so, God’s greatest creation is humankind itself.
We are God’s masterpiece…created new in Christ Jesus so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Ephesians 2:10 NLT
Our human bodies appear ordinary, but Jesus changes us from the inside out into people of great beauty, surprised by an unexpected masterpiece within. No matter what poor choices we made in the past, Jesus makes us brand new. He wipes our mistakes away and sends the Holy Spirit to reside in us as our helper. Oh, we will continue struggling with temptation and suffering as long as we live in this world. But Jesus will walk along with us and carry us to the other side.

Jesus came to earth on a rescue mission to save us for heaven though right now we remain in a war zone. We reside in the transition time between what is and what’s to come. God is creating a masterpiece in us but his work isn’t complete until Jesus returns. For now, he changes our inner person. Later God will transform our whole body into perfection. All of the natural world, waits in expectation for this rebirth of creation and the full revealing of God’s glory.
Meanwhile, God’s people live as ambassadors in his Kingdom here on earth, doing the good work he planned for us long ago by the power of his Holy Spirit. As for me, I’ll continue photographing examples of God’s magnificent creation and keep pointing others to Jesus until he returns or takes me home.