Salt is one of the most common seasonings in the 21st century kitchen. A cook adds salt to her culinary creations to enhance the flavor of the ingredients. But back in 1st century Judea, salt had a wide variety of uses that seem obscure to us today. When Jesus said to the crowds, “You are the salt of the earth,” he called them to season the world with their saltiness. But the people who heard him speak understood the metaphor had a much deeper meaning.
You are the salt of the earth.
Matthew 5:13
Salt Preserves
Long before freezing or the process of canning existed, people preserved food with salt. It’s still used to cure some meats and to can pickles. Salt keeps foods from spoiling. In the same way, followers of Jesus use their saltiness to preserve the goodness in society and keep evil from spoiling its irreplaceable worth.
Salt is Valuable

In ancient times, people used salt as currency. The word salary came from the root word salt. It was a valuable commodity used for temple offerings and ratifying covenants. Jesus treated everyone as an infinitely valuable child of God no matter their race, gender, age, or culture. He asks us to do the same. Salty Christians love their neighbor as themselves.
Salt Heals
Ancient societies understood the medicinal benefits of salt. Soaking in a solution of salt water promotes the healing of a number of rashes as well as ingrown toenails. Gargling in salt water soothes sore throats. Salty people promote the healing of brokenness and soothe grieving hearts. They seek justice to right the wrongs they see wrought on those around them. They reach out to help a hurting world.
Salt Nourishes
Salt is an essential element needed for cell function. If the sodium level in the body is too low or too high, it causes issues such as leg cramps, abnormal heart rhythms, seizures and sometimes death. When we sweat, we must replenish both water and salt to rehydrate our body. Salt is necessary for life. As a society, we need the nourishment provided by those who sprinkles their saltiness generously. This essential element of hope enhances the spiritual, mental and physical wellbeing of everyone they encounter.
Salt Enhances Flavor

Everyone knows even a pinch of salt makes food taste better. Salty people bring out the flavor and beauty of the world. They notice blessings and point them out to others. Joy spills from them even in the darkest of circumstances. A smile comes to your face whenever they walk in the room. These salt of the earth people enhance the flavor of every situation with their grace-filled presence.
In all these examples and more, we see saltiness lived out in the person of Jesus. Just as there are numerous types of salt, there are a wide variety of ways to scatter it. The Lord uniquely equips each one of us to express our own saltiness. He calls us to preserve goodness, value our neighbor, heal brokenness, offer hope, and flavor the world with our joy.
So, remember … Jesus identifies his followers as the salt of the earth. Don’t allow the cares of this life to rob you of your saltiness. Now more than ever, society needs a little sprinkle of what you have to offer. Always stand ready to season the world with your saltiness.

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.
Colossians 4:6