Seasons change and so does life on Lazy Bee Farm. Winter is a time for rest and renewal as animals hibernate and trees lie dormant awaiting the break of spring. All of creation moves in cycles according to ordered rhythms of life. Out here on the farm, we depend on its consistency.

There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens.
Ecclesiastes 3:1
While our honey bees are very active April through October, these colder months relegate them to their hives. Most people don’t realize bees don’t actually hibernate. They cluster together to stay warm maintaining a constant temperature between 90-95 degrees year round. When the outside air temp raises above 40 degrees, we might see a few brave bees out making their rounds. However, it’s unlikely they will find nectar in this part of Indiana until at least March.

On the contrary, our chickens venture out of their house frequently in the winter. If the day is sunny and dry, they’re out scratching and foraging even in 20 degree weather. Of course, at night they roost side by side under their warming lamp. The extra light helps stimulate egg production which naturally goes down during these shorter days.
We took a chance buying a dozen chicks this fall instead of waiting until the spring. Overall, they’ve done quite well and are growing exponentially. They have a warmer spot in the chicken house separate from the older hens and our rooster. Once they get a little bigger, we’ll introduce them to the others. The mature chickens tend to bully the younger ones. ‘Pecking Order’ and ‘Hen Pecked’ are real and common occurrences in the poultry world.

While the animals require care year round, I’m thankful the gardens lie fallow for a season. I need a break from the planting, weeding, harvesting and canning that is nonstop spring, summer and fall. Like the soil, we humans also need a time for rest and renewal.
When the cold north wind and dark days force us indoors, it can sometimes feel lonely and isolating out in the country. In spite of this, the introvert in me relishes this extra time to curl up in front of the blazing wood stove with a good book or my writing journal. This is exactly what I need to rejuvenate my soul.

Even so, when the trees bud and flowers pop up from the soil, I’ll be ready to start the cycle all over again. God orders the seasons and the natural world for our benefit. There’s comfort in knowing that every year this cycle remains the same. What a blessing to witness this steadfast rhythm of life.
You made the moon to mark the seasons, and the sun always knows when to set.
Psalms 104:19