Month: January 2021
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Forgiveness: A Sacrificial Act of the Will
When people harm us, our natural human inclination is to retaliate or seek revenge. In contrast, the decision to forgive often comes with great effort or personal cost to the injured person. Ultimately, forgiveness is a sacrificial act of the will. It’s not a feeling but a committed choice. Forgiveness…
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Courage: Choosing to Do the Next Right Thing
Often when asked to define courage, we tend to offer examples of extreme acts of bravery. We think someone is courageous if they jump into a raging river to save a drowning child. When the first astronauts flew into space, they showed courage as they risked their lives to travel…
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Time for Rest and Renewal on Lazy Bee Farm
Seasons change and so does life on Lazy Bee Farm. Winter is a time for rest and renewal as animals hibernate and trees lie dormant awaiting the break of spring. All of creation moves in cycles according to ordered rhythms of life. Out here on the farm, we depend on…