Oftentimes the most difficult part of a journey is the first step. We have brilliant ideas, new projects swirling in our heads, but they never come to fruition. Fear paralyzes us and procrastination keeps us stuck at the starting line. We lack confidence in ourselves, yet more than that, we lack confidence in our Creator. Did He give us what it takes to keep pressing forward in faith one step at a time toward our goals?

Perhaps if we could see the end from the beginning, we would have the boldness we need to proceed. Even so, the inevitable twists and turns in the road might still hold us back. We must have faith to step out beyond our fears. But what is faith really?
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1

Faith means moving forward within the darkness though we can’t see the path ahead. It’s believing that One greater than ourselves is leading us step by step. Like a blind person walking with their service dog along a busy city street, we’re dependent on our guide to safely reach our destination. We trust His leading since we know He has our best interest at heart.
Why then is this kind of faith often so challenging? For me, the difficulty comes when I second guess my own perception. Am I hearing the Spirit correctly? Is this really the right direction? Perhaps my ideas are totally misguided! But then a person I meet will reassure me of the value of my goals . That still small voice of the Spirit speaks into my heart, ‘Keep going. I’m here beside you, helping you along the way. Don’t give up.’

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.
Martin Luther King Jr.
My writing journey has often felt long and hard. I question sometimes whether I’m a little crazy pursuing it. But I can’t imagine stopping. Now that God has placed it in my heart, I feel compelled to continue writing. As long as there’s a message to relate or a story to tell, I keep moving on. I keep pressing forward in faith one step at a time even though I don’t see the whole staircase.
Has God put desires in your heart that seem unattainable or just out of reach? Don’t give up. Trust that “He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.”(Philippians 1:6). It may not happen in the way you imagine or as fast as you would like it. But God will make good happen from your efforts. You can count on it.