In a world full of difficulty, we all need a little grace. Grace presents itself in various forms. This word represents elegance, virtue and moral strength. Some say ‘grace’ before a meal. Others grace us with their presence. At times, a grace period offers a reprieve before a bill is due. When I ponder the meaning of grace, I think first of unmerited favor. God’s grace. His gift of mercy freely offered to us all. We can’t earn it. However, I’d like to suggest that we can pass it on by offering grace notes to those around us.
If you’re like me, you may not be familiar with this term. A grace note is a musical character. It’s generally a small size note with a slash through it. By definition, these are extra notes added as embellishments nonessential to the melody. In other words, grace notes aren’t necessary but they add an extra level of beauty to the music.

God offers us grace notes throughout our day if we stop to recognize them. A spectacular sunrise splashes our morning with color. The song of tree frogs lull us to sleep at night. A soft wind cools our skin.
All of our senses respond in concert to these grace notes. They’re inconsequential and unnecessary yet beautiful additions to our ordinary lives. The melody of our existence is sweeter because of their presence.
Above and beyond these daily graces, God offers us His mercy and forgiveness. However, this unmerited gift of Grace was never meant to remain hidden in us but to flow through us. Like a resounding chorus, we sing forth our own grace notes upon the world and they echo back to us.
How does this work in our typical day? Perhaps it’s opening a door for someone or saying a kind word instead of simply going about your own business. Maybe it’s listening to another point of view without preparing an immediate rebuttal. A grace note might be offering forgiveness even when the other person doesn’t recognize their wrong. Possibly these little ‘extra’ graces that aren’t considered necessary are the stuff that gives life its true beauty.
Offering grace notes to each other adds unexpected pleasure and joy for the giver as well as the receiver. To live a grace-filled life is to overflow with mercy and forgiveness. If we see each other as adversaries, we withhold, ignore, or overlook opportunities to give grace notes. However, if we recognize in every person a spark of the divine Creator, we treat others as children of God, worthy of our love and respect.

Embellish your life song with added grace notes. The beauty of your music just might offer a melody of hope to repair our hurting world.
Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu