Everyone carries within them a light to shine, a melody to sing, or a gift to bestow upon the world. Everyone. Whether we recognize it or not, each human being bears God-given abilities unique just to them.
Think for a moment. What if all those talents developed with the goal of promoting good? Could anyone or anything stop the momentum?
Even so, barriers abound. Unlimited opportunities exist in America. We are the land of the free. Yet equal access to the education needed to grasp these opportunities remains an issue.
As long as funding for school systems in the US remains tied to local property and income taxes, these inequities persist. Available resources for teachers in inner city schools are greatly limited compared to their more affluent counterparts. This must make their efforts feel at times both frustrating and futile. Yet, they persevere. Within this difficult situation, these heroic educators do their best to bring a light to shine in the lives of their students.
Often we blame political and economic factors as the sole culprits in this inequity. Unfortunately, this stance oversimplifies the problem. Rather than faulting these obvious outside forces, we must recognize there also is a spiritual battle in play.

Lack of hope is one of the greatest barriers I’ve seen to education. On a daily basis, I observed resignation in the eyes of my young patients during the 3 years I worked in an inner city health clinic. Since nothing ever changed in their situation, why should they care? If no one sees potential in them, why should they believe in themselves?
History builds walls nearly impossible to climb. Generational layers of poverty and hopelessness form the blocks of these strongholds. When those of us on the other side of this wall, choose to reach over, change happens. Only when we offer a light to shine into the darkness, do others see and join us in the light. Walls fall down and inequities disappear.
So let go of fear. Your light was never meant to be hidden under a basket for your benefit alone, but placed on a stand for all to see. You possess a light to shine like a city set on a hill. In successfully developing your gifts, God gave you the ability to help others find theirs. Stand up through social and political means to make education equitable for all. In doing so, we give everyone the best chance to better their lot in this life. However, above all else, let us give hope…the hope only found in Jesus. He is the Light that changes the world from the inside out.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16 NIV