On a wall in my sister’s living room hangs a plaque. It reads: Believe there is good in the world. Be the Good. This mantra embodies her life’s message. We may not recognize the good in the world, but we can always choose to be the good anyway.
As many of you know, my sister passed away earlier this month after a long battle with cancer. She made it quite clear that she did not want a funeral after her death but a party. While she was still able to communicate, she gave us detailed instructions about her desires. Always the manager, Beth’s directions included food, music and even the colors for the celebration. Nothing was left to decide except the date and the venue.

After much deliberation, we set the date on her birthday, July 28th and held the celebration of life at the clubhouse in her subdivision. Due to the virus, we asked everyone to come ‘masked’ and social distance as much as possible. Thankfully the weather cooperated, so much of the festivities flowed outside onto the terrace. Tears of sadness and joy mingled together as we enjoyed special memories and honored Beth’s life. There definitely was a party atmosphere. I’m sure she was pleased.
As we were cleaning up and carrying boxes out to our cars after the event, something spectacular occurred. Four biplanes flew over the clubhouse and proceeded to give us a private airshow. They made several passes leaving trails of yellow smoke in their wake. On their final flyover, they parted from their formation and drew a giant heart in the sky crossed with an arrow. None of us will ever forget this direct message of love written on our hearts forever.

The following day we found out that these pilots didn’t perform this mini-airshow for us at all, but for someone else in the neighborhood. However, the good they chose to do for another impacted us too. They didn’t realize that aviation held a special place in the life of our family. Little did they know, their airshow was the perfect ending for Beth’s celebration. But God knew. His timing is always perfect.
Each new morning, life offers us another chance. As long as we continue to move and breathe, we have a choice to make. Are we going to be a part of the problem or the solution? In a world full of negativity, fear and blame, Be the Good that everyone desperately needs right now. Like the biplane pilots, choose this day to make a difference in your own circle of influence. You might not realize it now but God is using you to make an impact in people’s lives you may never know.
You may not recognize the good in the world but choose to Be the Good anyway.

To make a difference is not a matter of accident, a matter of casual occurrence of the tides. People choose to make a difference.
Maya Angelou