It’s a lazy Indiana afternoon. As I sit on my front porch, the flag flutters gently in the breeze while my cat dozes nearby. This week-end we’ll celebrate Independence Day all across America with cook-outs and fireworks. Although the debate over whether to stand or kneel for our national anthem remains unresolved, here at our house the flag still flies.

For me the flag represents much more than US nationalism. It symbolizes hard fought freedom. When I see it raised, it reminds me of all the men and women who lost their lives to guarantee my independence. They valued freedom so much, they were willing to die for it.
Having grown up always knowing freedom, it’s easy to underappreciate its worth. But if you speak with someone from another country without the liberties we enjoy, you get a glimpse of understanding why it’s so valuable. Those coming from places ruled by despots feel blessed to live within our borders. This is particularly true for women who virtually still have no rights in numerous regions of our world.

Many years ago a friend of mine from China described to me her childhood. She is an exceptionally intelligent woman. So at an early age, her career path was chosen for her by the government. They placed her in science and mathematics studies with the goal of eventually becoming a scientist. She excelled enough to earn her PhD in biochemistry. At some point, an opportunity arose for her and her husband to move to the US to do research for a pharmaceutical company here.

As a scientist she is quite successful but this work never satisfied her. She dreamed of managing her own business. The freedom she gained by coming to America offered her the opportunity to realize this dream. Now she owns a local ice cream shop. When I last spoke with her, she couldn’t be happier.
I shudder to think what my life would be like if I had been born elsewhere. In many places, education is still withheld from girls. Freedom here in America afforded me the chance to study medicine and become a doctor. I wonder how many young girls around the globe long for the opportunity to simply learn to read?
As you celebrate this Independence Day, observe it with a grateful heart. The flag still flies to remind us that freedom is never free. Don’t ever forget this fact. Freedom always comes at a high price.
It is absolutely clear that God has called you to a free life. Just make sure that you don’t use this freedom as an excuse to do whatever you want to do and destroy your freedom. Rather, use your freedom to serve one another in love; that’s how freedom grows.
Galatians 5:13 The Message Bible