Rain has fallen off and on all morning. One moment the sky drizzled while the next it poured. I sat at my computer watching through my window as I worked from home. Finally the sun broke through the clouds. Its rays made the water droplets on the plants in my flowerbeds sparkle. After my workday ended, I stepped out into my garden to breathe in the smell of the earth washed clean. Fresh air filled my lungs while infusing my spirit with its peace.
Even as the natural world is washed clean after the rain, I long for cleansing from the grime that so easily clings to me. Anger, cynicism and unforgiveness build up before I realize it. These characteristics contaminate our culture to the point of acceptance. In a society filled with divisiveness, this type of negative thinking seems justified. But, it isn’t.

It’s not ok to condemn people who hold different ideas or beliefs than yourself. Our post-modern society has somehow lost the ability to engage in a fair discussion on just about any topic. In the past, we could agree to disagree but still remain civil. Now instead of debating the idea, we demonize the person. No wonder we’re experiencing so much more violence in our world.
How do we rid ourselves of this pervasive negativity that threatens to destroy our society and all our relationships? First we must recognize the filth that covers us all. This grimy thinking is as contagious as Covid 19. We are all infected in one way or another.
From my own personal experience, I have struggled with anger and unforgiveness for real or perceived wrongs over my lifetime. I know I’m not alone. Many battle with this same inner conflict that’s often based in fear. The only way I have found to be washed clean is through the Power of Love.
Perfect love casts out fear.
1John 4:18

When I ask the Lord to cleanse me of my anger and help me to forgive, it’s like a gentle rain washing over me. But one washing generally is not enough. Forgiveness is a process of letting go of the anger and hurt. It’s a change of heart through unrelenting prayer that seeks blessing for the transgressor rather than retribution for the offense. Over time Love replaces fear. In the best of situations, I forget why I was angry in the first place.
Fear drives us into the muck of negative thinking. This leads us into anger, cynicism and unforgiveness which threaten to destroy us as a people. But we can’t change how a whole society responds. We only have the ability to change ourselves.
So, allow the Power of Love to cleanse your heart like a gentle rain. Let this Love drive out all your fear and you will be truly washed clean. Negativity may appear to dominate our world. But when you choose to Love rather than condemn, change begins one person at a time.