If you choose to work with bees, you will be stung. It’s inevitable. As a new beekeeper, I understand the risk. Fortunately I’m not allergic so I’m not concerned about occasional pain from stings. But how much protection does a person actually need to manage their hives? Do I really need to put on a full bee suit?

Ask a number of beekeepers and you’ll likely get varied answers. Many choose to use only a veil with gloves. I tried this at first. However, as soon as the bees found their way under my veil, I quickly changed my attire. Mad bees in your hair are not fun! Now I always put on a full bee suit whenever I open my hives. It doesn’t make sense to do otherwise. In my mind I reason: Why put myself through pain if it’s not necessary?
Everyday we must make a similar choice. Our lives are full of painful situations much worse than a few bee stings. Jesus was very clear about this. He said, “In this world, you will have trouble.”1 So, how do we prepare ourselves for the inevitable problems coming our way?

The Apostle Paul gives us precise instructions. In his letter to the Ephesians, he tells the early Christians to put on the full armor of God.2 This equipment enabled them to stand firm against the evil in the world around them. Like a soldier, they wore truth, justice, peace, faith, salvation and God’s word as protection then covered it all with prayer. When clothed with God’s power, no manner of trouble could knock them down.
Wearing the full armor of God is important every day but especially during the times we’re facing now. This present Covid 19 pandemic has strained our physical, emotional and financial wellbeing. Many feel stressed to their limit. Let God cover you with his power and protect you in his arms during this crisis. His strength will enable you to remain standing until the end.
Just as I choose to put on the full bee suit with my bees, I choose to put on the full armor of God in my daily life. Trying to cope without the covering of God’s spiritual protection in a world filled with pain, simply makes no sense.
So put on all the armor God gives. Then when that evil day comes, you will be able to defend yourself. And when the battle is over, you will still be standing.
Ephesians 6:13 CEV
1John 16:33 2Ephesians 6:10-18