For the past six weeks, I’ve been working from home due to the Covid 19 pandemic. It’s been an adjustment changing from in-person visits to telemedicine. However, my patients and I have been pleased overall with how well it works.
One side benefit of staying at home is the opportunity to view our Indiana spring in its full glory. Our yard is bursting forth with wildlife. The birds, bees and rabbits frolicking out my window offer me a needed distraction with the present condition of our world.

All God’s creatures remind me that the Lord is still at work renewing and replenishing the earth. He has not forgotten us or forsaken us.
Lord, Thank you for the gift of your beautiful creation. I praise you even within this present crisis. Give me strength and patience to work through the daily difficulties that come my way. Open my eyes that I might see your hand guiding and directing my steps today and always. Amen!