We live in an age of information overload. With all the voices vying for our attention, it’s nearly impossible to know who to believe. Even though I must keep up with the medical information on the Covid 19 virus, I try to avoid media sources. They tend to increase my anxiety rather than alleviate it. I listen to science and medicine for updates but trust God with the uncertainty.

Throughout history, people have always struggled to make sense of the times. War, disease and natural disasters are nothing new. A lack of security is common to the human condition. Only now, in modern culture do we think we have control. The emergence of this novel corona virus pandemic should have cured us of this false belief.
If there’s one message I’m hearing consistently during my prayers, it’s this.
‘Trust me’
The Lord calls me to give my worries, my anxieties, my past mistakes over to him and he will give me rest for my soul. Worldly knowledge, financial wealth and military might cannot promise this. All these means of security can pass away in a moment. But God’s promises remain dependable no matter the circumstance.

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord, our God. They collapse and fall, but we rise and stand upright.
Psalm 20:7-8
If I’m honest, too often I put trust in my own abilities to problem solve and ‘fix’ situations over my trust in God. I’ll work diligently to overcome obstacles all by myself. Then after much frustration, I call upon the Lord for his help. Will I ever find the humility to include him at the beginning? Life would be so much easier if I didn’t wait to ask for his aide until the last resort.
This doesn’t mean sitting back waiting for God to drop answers to all our problems from heaven. On the contrary, I believe he expects us to use the resources he’s given us to work through difficult situations. However, we can best use these resources in partnership with him throughout our day.

Prayer ultimately should be an ongoing conversation with the Lord bringing all our cares to him, big and little, so we can solve them together.
This present time of uncertainty with the Covid 19 virus promises to last for a while. This makes us all the more anxious. We long to return to normal but, in truth, our normal will never be the same. In some ways, this is good. We’ll have a newfound appreciation for the ability to gather together when this is all over. Let us not take for granted the precious blessing of family and friends ever again.
As we phase out of quarantine into our new normal over the next few months, listen to the experts. Follow their recommendations. But remember to trust God with all the uncertainty.
Cast your cares on him for he cares for you, today, tomorrow and forever.