I need a pause within the chaos. In reality, we all could use a break from this present craziness. Most days I feel hopeful and prepared to wait out the quarantine. But then, the next moment a wave of fear and guilt overwhelms my soul. Back and forth my emotions fly out of control. Even for a short time, how do I push the pause button to rest and rejuvenate my mind?

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been reading through the Psalms. If you’ve spent much time in these scriptures, you realize they bounce back and forth between praise and lament. I love their honesty. King David and the other psalmists understand that life is full of emotional chaos. One moment they’re up on a mountaintop, only then to be thrown into a valley the next. Such is the human condition.
But then…I read in the Psalms a mysterious word…Selah. Translators aren’t sure of its meaning. Many think it’s a break or pause in the song (for all the Psalms were originally set to music). However, others believe it’s a notation to sing louder. Perhaps it’s both at different times.
No one knows the significance of the word Selah, but isn’t it fascinating to consider the implications? During the middle of a season of fear and uncertainty, God interjects a Selah. Pause. Look around at all your blessings. Then raise your voice and sing a little louder.
This pandemic has put a giant ‘halt’ sign on many of our lives. Whether you are ill in the hospital, quarantined at home, working remotely or employed in an essential occupation, your life has been turned upside down. Everything that once was our normal is paused. For how long, we don’t know. Instead of allowing the situation to overwhelm us, let God interject a Selah within the chaos. Stop…pause…take a break. Just breathe. Then list on paper or in your mind, three things for which you’re thankful. Do this now and every day. When you finish this pause, pick your favorite song and belt it out with joy. This is sure to bring a smile to your face and your family as well.
Unfortunately, social media tends to fuel the fear spreading through our country but it also can offer encouragement. My favorite new online craze is the virtual chorus. So many creative people share their talent to give us hope during this stressful time. My good friends, Craig and Sandy recently teamed up with their niece, Julianne in New York City and a few of her friends on violin and cello to present Amazing Grace. The past few Sundays I miss raising my voice with others during church, but I couldn’t help singing along when listening to this beautiful old hymn on my phone. Singing together is a balm for my soul even if it’s virtual.

I thank God for Selah…a pause within the chaos. Today I choose to sing loud praises to the One who walks beside me offering His blessings within my fear. I challenge my readers to do likewise. However it feels comfortable to you, take a pause within your own chaos. Allow a moment of rest for your soul.
We all need a bit of Selah right now.
Click on the Amazing Grace link above to see my friends’ YouTube video.