Every year during the month of March, I find myself struggling. In Indiana, the last vestiges of winter seem to drag on and on. Though if I look closely, I see signs of change popping up everywhere. While robins search for tasty earthworms, lemon colored daffodils push up through the cold earth. As the days grow longer, the grass in our yard gradually turns a brilliant shade of green. Yet even though the air feels a bit warmer, the sky can’t quite make up its mind whether to rain or snow. It may not look like it now, but surely spring is on the way.
In one of my favorite children’s books, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the inhabitants of Narnia felt like winter would never end. As long as the witch ruled, their world remained cold and dark. However, when the true king, Aslan returned, warmth replaced what was frozen and signs of new life popped up everywhere. Aslan defeated the witch and spring returned to Narnia at last.

It’s no coincidence that Easter falls in the spring. The symbolism is unmistakable. While Lent, the forty days leading up to Easter, occurs during the final dark days of winter, Easter Sunday comes after the spring equinox. Lent represents a time of reflection and repentance culminating in the death of Jesus on the cross. Whereas Easter morning represents victory and new life as we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead and our redemption from sin.
Darkness becomes light. Death is overcome through Jesus who promises that spring is on the way.
During this present quarantine for the Covid 19 virus, our days feel dark. Fear and anxiety weigh like a heavy fog over our souls. Isn’t it ironic, that this pandemic falls during the time of Lent? Perhaps now that many of us find ourselves relegated to home and social distancing, we could use this as an opportunity, instead of a burden. Let us take time during this season for reflection and a reevaluation of our priorities. As we witness much of what we perceived as valuable fall apart, let us hold onto that which lasts forever.
Like the end of winter, this pandemic seems to drag on and on. It feels as if it will never end. But don’t lose heart. Signs abound across the world that the illness caused by this virus is peaking in countries such as China and South Korea. Stay safe at home and keep washing your hands until the worst is over here in America.
Life is tough, especially during the anxious times we’re now experiencing. But, hold on. The promise of Easter offers us hope.
Spring is on the way.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
The words of Jesus from John 14:27NIV