How do we stay resilient within this present storm? Everyday we hear something new with the Covid 19 virus. Fear abounds. Many are struggling with the sheer uncertainty of our times. But resilient people move forward through it. What is their secret?
Adjust Your Sails for the Wind

The wind shifts direction constantly. It threatens to blow us way off course if we don’t adjust our sails. Resilient people remain flexible during changing times.
If you find yourself unexpectedly off work, take the opportunity to re-invent yourself. Consider starting self-care activities such as meditation, exercise, and journaling. Now you have the opportunity. Do something productive that will help your physical and mental wellbeing during this downtime.
Be creative. Many businesses must do this to survive. As mandates for restaurants and bars to close came earlier this week, new ideas blossomed. By the next day, owners modified their menus for carry-out. I received an email from one of our local pizzerias advertising ‘make your own pizza’ as an activity to do with your kids since schools are closed. They provide all the ingredients in individual containers. You just tell them what you want for pick-up or delivery. What a great idea!
Meanwhile, my own work as a family physician has changed dramatically. Rather than see patients face to face, I’m doing the majority of my visits remotely. I’ve said for quite some time that telemedicine is our future. Well, the future suddenly is thrust upon us and I’m modifying accordingly. I’m trying my best to be a calming voice for my patients within this storm of fear.
Maintaining a flexible attitude is imperative during these challenging times. Adjust your sails.
Work Together-We’re All in the Same Boat
If you find yourself quarantined at home during this pandemic, you may feel very alone. But, in reality, we are all in this together. Everyone, no matter what your occupation or way of life has been impacted and we have no idea when it will end. Resilient people give of themselves during uncertain times. In this way, they find meaning within the storm to keep their bearings.
So, support your local businesses trying to adjust to these sudden changes. Check in on your neighbors especially the senior citizens. Consider shopping for them or helping them order items online to be delivered. If you have the means, share with each other. Donate money to help people keep up with their bills until this blows over. As I wrote in my last blog, take care of your own circle of influence and we’ll all make it through. Work together.
Know Your Anchor
Anchors hold your boat steady in the storm. Many people feel adrift right now, not knowing where to place their hope. News changes daily. Even though our government is trying to wisely to respond to this crisis, the pandemic is a moving target. Pray for our officials making tough decisions. Remember they are humans too. In times like these, the only anchor sure to hold is Jesus.
When the wind and waves tossed their boat about during a sudden storm on the sea of Galilee, the disciples feared certain death. They called out to Jesus who was asleep and with one word, he calmed the storm. The disciples forgot who rode with them in the boat. They had nothing to worry with Jesus on board. Know your anchor.

So, in this present storm resilient people stay the course by depending on Jesus as their anchor. Be creative and adjust your sails for the times. But never forget to care for your neighbor. Remember, we’re all in the same boat right now. Work together through the storm and point people to Jesus-our anchor and our hope.
So, the men marveled, saying “Who can this be, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?”
Matthew 8:27 NKJV