‘Courage in spite of circumstances is a choice’.
Every day we face this decision. As humans, we cower in fear or we choose to step out instead into the uncertainty. The world is a scary place. If we’re honest, we recognize it’s always been this way. The objects of our fear shift from year to year but our sense of anxiety remains the same.
The present 24/7 news cycle magnifies our fears. Over the past few weeks, their constant reporting on Covid-19 or the Corona virus has set the public in a panic. Store shelves once full of disinfectants, hand sanitizers and protective masks stand empty. Even toilet paper (of all things) is in short supply as people ready for quarantine.
Now is the time, we as a society need to take a collective calming deep breath. Even though we don’t have a vaccine for Covid-19 or a definitive treatment, we do have common sense methods to prevent its spread.
Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer often.
Clean contaminated surfaces with disinfectants.
Stay out of crowds or stay home if you’re sick.
Avoid the very young, elderly or people with cancer if you’re ill.
These four basic tactics could end what the World Health Organization (WHO) now designates as a pandemic. But, unfortunately, people often don’t use common sense. Maybe this virus will move us to change.
‘Fear can be a powerful motivator for change.’
However, if we allow fear to rule us, then we become paralyzed. When this happens, we end up doing little to help others or ourselves.

Over the 35 years I’ve practiced medicine, I’ve been exposed to numerous infections from influenza to HIV. While on missions trips, I’ve cared for patients with malaria, TB, and various parasites. This work presents a constant risk that I might at some point acquire the disease I’m treating. I’ve counted the cost long ago. My life as a family physician is worth the risk. It’s a calling more than a career.
Besides, running away helps no one.
So, this day, I choose courage in spite of circumstances. God has not given me “a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.”(2 Timothy 1:7). This power allows me to step out in love using my mind and common sense to help the world around me.
In essence, each person has a circle of influence that God entrusts to their care. Even if your circle is small, do your best to minister to their needs without fear of the consequences. Look around you. Who are the most vulnerable needing our help today? Perhaps it’s the elderly couple next door who shouldn’t be out in crowds. Or, maybe it’s a single mom who can’t work because her kids’ school is closed for quarantine. Jesus calls us to care for the ‘least of these.’
Wash you hands and skip the hugs, but for heaven’s sake, go help them! Choose courage in spite of the circumstances.
As you do God’s work, may His Spirit bring peace and calm to your heart and mind during this challenging time before us.
Remember-Coeurageous is moved by the heart to live and act fearlessly!
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7