But if not. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego spoke these three powerful words of faith before being thrown into the fiery furnace. With courage, they told King Nebuchadnezzar that their God was able to save them. But if not, their decision remained the same. They would not bow down to the golden image set up by the king.
Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, O king. But if not, be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your god or worship the golden image you have set up.
Daniel 3:17-18 NIV
During WWII, these same three powerful words set the English people into action. Across the channel, in the French town of Dunkirk, a British Naval Officer cabled the same message as Daniel’s 3 young friends. But if not.
The British people understand the meaning of this biblical passage from the book of Daniel. A dire situation faced the Allied forces. They needed a miracle to save the 350,000 soldiers trapped there by the Germans. But if not, the troops prepared to die fighting rather than surrender to the enemy.

History recorded the miracle. In Operation Dynamo, 338,226 soldiers evacuated the beach at Dunkirk and crossed the English channel. Hundreds of small private boats aided in the rescue. For uncertain reasons, Hitler pulled back the German troops for a short period of time allowing time for the Allied troops to escape.
The improbability of this accomplishment is staggering. The rescue at Dunkirk compares in magnitude to the likelihood of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego walking out of the fiery furnace. In both situations, these individuals chose to risk their lives rather than compromise. They believed in God’s ability to save them. However, even if He didn’t, their decision to act in faith even unto death remained unchanged.
Would we do the same today? Do we have a “but if not” kind of faith that risks all for the cause of freedom or the cause of Christ? Or do we put stipulations on God. “I’ll follow if You give me what I want.” Our faith falters when we don’t see our prayers answered in the way we like.
Everyday we must choose who or what to follow. It’s easy to compromise beliefs and give up hope when pressures arise or life gets tough. I want a “but if not” kind of faith that remains stable even in times of trouble. My faith is worthless if I follow Jesus only when it’s convenient or when it suits me. Other Christians die as martyrs around the world because they choose not to bow down and worship other gods. Jesus walked with the three young men in the fiery furnace. He’ll do the same for you and I.