Miracles evolve daily yet we don’t often recognize their significance. Every morning the sun rises then sets again in the evening. We count on it’s regularity. By the light of it’s rays, flowers emerge from seed in the ground while busy bees produce delectable honey through collecting its pollen and nectar. Amazing!
All around us, nature boasts of common miracles we take for granted. But what of the miracles documented in the Bible? Do we see this type of phenomena today? Skeptics would say no. Everything must have a scientific explanation. However, isn’t science a miracle itself? The order of the universe as well as the complexity of a strand of DNA speak to the miracle of our existence. Science alone doesn’t explain everything.
I am a witness to at least one inexplicable miracle of healing. Many years ago, a patient of mine suffered severe brain damage from a stroke. She was pronounced brain dead by her neurologist. When removed from life support, we expected her to die. Though within 3 days, she awoke from her coma and began to talk and eat. None of her doctors could explain her recovery. In her case, a miracle evolved instantaneously leaving all who witnessed it overjoyed and perplexed.
We pray for this type of instantaneous miracle whenever circumstances are dire. Sometimes our prayers are answered in this way but oftentimes not. The miracles I see most today involve steps of faithful obedience in a long and typically arduous course. There’s no guaranteed outcome. Nevertheless, the journey itself is miraculous as God reveals His nature and purpose within the struggle.
Many of you who read my posts, know that my sister, Beth is currently battling a rare cancer. Thus far, her treatments have slowed the malignancy but haven’t stopped it. Through a series of unusual circumstances, we connected her to researchers at Washington University in St. Louis. Last Friday, I traveled with Beth and her husband for a consultation. Now she is enrolled in a very promising clinical trial that offers us hope once more.

I fully believe that God is working through researchers and science to orchestrate a miracle for Beth. What that will look like, I’m not sure. But this I do know: Miracles evolve daily through people willing to allow God to use their talents and abilities for good. He does His best work through you and me.
Everyone we have met along this cancer journey, offered whatever they possessed to aid in Beth’s healing. The series of connections needed to get her where she is now, could not have happened just by chance alone. By faith, we stepped into each opportunity as it opened and God revealed Himself through wonders along the way. Like the reader of a great story, I am excited to see what happens next!
Thank you, Lord, for all you have done, all you are doing, and all you plan to do in the future. Show us the path to follow and we will walk along it in faith. Amen.
He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted
Job 9:10