For several years now, instead of putting up an artificial tree for Christmas, my husband and I decided to purchase a live tree. But rather than cutting down a pine, we go to a local tree farm for a balled tree so we can plant it later. Yes, it’s a lot more trouble. In order for the tree to survive, we must plan ahead. Even so, I still find it worthwhile. After all, isn’t planting trees a pure act of faith?
Whenever we take out a spade and break the soil, we join in the creation story. By placing the tree in the ground, we acknowledge trust in the process. Rain and sunlight are necessary ingredients for the miracle of growth. With enough time and proper conditions, a tiny sapling develops into a giant fir tree.
The one who plants acts out of faith. Their legacy is a trail of beauty for generations to come. If they are fortunate, they live long enough to see the fruit of their labor. Yet, even though they may never witness any result, they plant anyway.
So it is with the Love of Jesus. Those of us who love the Lord, plant seeds of that love in the lives of those we meet. Sometimes the seeds are scattered haphazardly. Other times, they are carefully sown and watered. We plant as a pure act of faith, not knowing if any growth will occur. Even when our efforts seem useless, we keep planting.
Since I was a young child, people planted love along my path. My parents and family sowed the majority of seed. However, others like teachers, neighbors, pastors and even total strangers cultivated love in my life. A number of these people have now passed away. Perhaps someday in eternity I will have the opportunity to thank them. They invested in me as a pure act of faith, not knowing the future result.
Every life is like a tiny sapling planted in rocky soil. In times of drought, growth slows to a standstill. Yet when the quenching rain of God’s love nourishes this same tree, it shoots upward. You may never see this change but don’t give up. Keep planting with love as a pure act of faith and trust God for the growing.

A man has made at least a start on discovering the meaning of human life when he plants shade trees under which he knows full well he will never sit.
Elton Trueblood
Such a beautiful and meaningful message of hope and faith in all things! Keep writing…God has blessed you so!
Thanks, Nancy!