Be Kind. Like sweet honey flowing from the comb, kindness satisfies an inner hunger. My tongue longs for its rare flavor. When someone opens a door for me or a stranger pays for my order, it sets my heart aglow. Nothing on earth affirms me like an unsolicited act of kindness. The one who chooses to be kind conveys my worth through these uncommon gestures.
Yet, in our fast paced world, this simple command to be kind often evades us. Everywhere in western culture, we absorb messages telling us to look out for our own self interest. On our way to work, we experience this harsh reality. Woe to the poor person who’s in the wrong lane. Angry looks and honking horns assail them until someone finally decides to let them in line.
At some point, we allowed ourselves as a society to become hard hearted. Kindness seems inconvenient with too many strings attached. Hence, we worry that an act of kindness today will lead to someone taking advantage of us tomorrow. But all these excuses are rooted in false thinking.
If only we stopped for a moment, we might hear alternative voices calling us to be kind once more. Fred Rogers is one such voice. Better known as Mr. Rogers, this mild mannered children’s television celebrity invites us to practice kindness. At the end of his familiar song, he asks a universal question. Won’t you be my neighbor?
Every child now turned adult who listened to his show would certainly answer yes to his question. Who wouldn’t want to be Mr Roger’s neighbor? But when it comes to reaching out as a neighbor to others, our answer is often different.
Nevertheless, being a true neighbor in the real world, means being kind to everyone. Neighbors come in all shapes and colors. Often they don’t look like us or think like us. Even so, we’re called to be kind to them all, no matter what.

In the wise words of Fred Rogers, “Mutual caring relationships require kindness and patience, tolerance, optimism, joy in the other’s achievements, confidence in oneself, and the ability to give without undue thought of gain.” While others run after selfish ambition, take the path of this meek man of God. Be Kind and be a good neighbor. Above all, let your kindness flow like honey, sweetening every life you touch.
There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.”
Mr. Rogers