Who doesn’t enjoy relaxing in front of a fire? Both humans and animals are drawn toward the flames. It’s warmth and everchanging hues hold us captive. When Indian Summer fades and the crisp evenings of late fall begin, we huddle together around campfires once more. Sparks climb high into the darkened sky while hot dogs and marshmallows roast over the glowing embers. Camaraderie always finds comfort when gathered near the flames.

It’s no coincidence then that a flame symbolizes God’s Spirit. On the day of Pentecost, the Spirit descended on the disciples waiting in the upper room. It appeared as a flame over each person’s head. While it entered the building as a great wind, the Spirit remained as a fire sent to indwell their individual hearts. Courage and power entered along with the flames.
Just as the flame of the Spirit brought courage and power, it also brought cleansing. Refiners use fire to purify precious metals. Impurities separate as dross from the refined silver or gold. When processed through the flames, contaminants burn away leaving the finished product pure and flawless.

In the same way, the Spirit acts on human hearts to cleanse away all that is impure. When we invite the Spirit within, it begins the process of scrubbing us clean from the inside out. This doesn’t happen all at once but takes a lifetime to accomplish. Often it’s a painful procedure as old habits and unhealthy thoughts burn away. But when the Spirit finishes its work, a pure and flawless heart remains.
Draw near to the Spirit as you are drawn toward the flames. Let it fill you with courage and power. Then allow its fire to burn away any unnecessary debris. Through the Refiner’s flame, you’ll find yourself transformed into a new creation- a pure and flawless work of art.