Autumn in Indiana is a season of preparation. Anyone who has ever experienced a midwestern winter understands the process. Now is the time to change the furnace filter and make sure windows and doors are caulked. When frost threatens, we hustle to harvest any produce left in the garden. Soon blustery north winds will bring in the cold. Then snow will blanket the ground, making any further preparation impossible.
In farm country, preparation is imperative. Animals depend on the farmers for their sustenance and shelter. Even though we live on a ‘mini-farm’, we must also take steps to protect our animals. The chicken house has heat lamps installed and we plug in their water so it doesn’t freeze. Over the past few weeks, we’ve fed the bees sugar water since there’s not much available nectar this time of year. We also treated them for mites which weaken the hive. Everything we do readies them for winter.

By taking these measures, we give the chickens and the bees the best chance of surviving a harsh season. Shouldn’t we do the same for ourselves and our families? With a change of seasons, we know what’s coming next but in life we’re often taken by surprise. We don’t anticipate a downturn in the economy or a downturn in our health. If only we knew these events were coming, we’d be ready. Right?
Life’s not any more predictable than the weather. The only guarantee is that it will change. What can we do to prepare for the inevitable ups and downs that we know are coming? A few obvious measures come to mind. When times are good, save back for that ‘rainy day.’ Invest in the 401K offered at work that’s matched by your employer. Buy enough insurance to cover your family’s major expenses if you are no longer here to support them. Preparing for the future with a reasonable safety net readies us for the unexpected.
All these actions are beneficial but often circumstances hinder their success. A job loss leads to insurance cancellation and health care expenses eat up all our savings. Life happens and every preparation suddenly seems pointless. Where do we turn when life takes a downturn and a harsh season threatens our survival?
Set your eyes on the One who never changes in changing times: Jesus. Let Him lead you through the dark passages you travel and see you safely to the other side. There’s nothing wrong with preparing for trouble. It would be irresponsible not to try. But like Job, trouble sometimes seeks to overwhelm us. No earthly season of preparation can avert it. When disaster happens, seek Jesus who prepares our hearts and minds to overcome through His power and love.