What a beautiful fall morning! I woke early and stepped out on the porch to capture photos of the sunrise. It’s much too cool to be outside in just my pajamas so I didn’t linger long. Today is a fine day to thank God for all that is-not bemoan all that isn’t. Taste and see that the Lord is good. God invites me to pause for a few moments to awaken my senses to all the gifts that He bestows on me daily.
He gives me the sense of sight to enjoy the sunrise coming up over trees beginning to turn bright red, orange and gold. He gives me the ability to hear the birds singing their morning song. I can feel the cool air on my skin and smell the fall leaves mixed with a hint of smoke from last night’s fire in the wood stove. My coffee is satisfyingly sweet and warm to my taste with honey and coconut almond milk.
Let me remain mindful of this moment in time. I could grieve over past mistakes or allow my thoughts to fear the future. In truth, my mind lingers in these places much too often. Even so, I’m in a continual retraining process. If left to it’s own devices, my brain tends to hone in on the negative. However, when I allow time to focus my senses on what’s good right in front of me, gratefulness breaks through this pessimistic attitude.
Not long ago, I saw a cartoon on social media that caught my attention. It illustrated the proverbial question: Is the glass half full or half empty? An arrow pointed above the water level in the glass with the caption: Pessimist-glass half empty. Another arrow pointed to the water in the same glass with the caption: Optimist-glass half full. At the bottoms was a pitcher pouring water into a cup until it was overflowing. This caption read: Psalmist-“my cup runneth over…” Psalm 23:5.
Oh, to possess the attitude of King David, the psalmist! It humbles me to realize that this statement in Psalm 23:5 follows right after he claims, “even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil…” David acknowledged that even when his cup was empty, God was faithful to fill it back up to overflowing. He never denied that life is hard. David praised God for his bountiful blessings despite his numerous trials.
Look around you today for evidence of God’s overflowing goodness. Experience it with all your senses. Even though you may be feeling empty and worn out with life’s difficulties, He’s walking with you through your dark valley. Taste and see that the Lord is good. Surely, His goodness and love will follow you all the days of your life and on into eternity.