In America, we are chosen to be free. This may sound arrogant but there is a reason we exist. Every time I write a post, I must remind myself not to take this freedom for granted. The majority of people around the world don’t have the liberty to speak or write as they wish. In some places, to disagree with the government or group in power, means imprisonment or death. When I read of the persecuted around the world, I thank God for the gift of independence to do and say what I feel is right.

The fact that I grew up in America makes it difficult for me to comprehend living any other way. Men and women long ago chose to put their lives in danger to rebel against the tyranny of English rule. Isn’t it ironic that the British eventually chose a form of democracy themselves and are now loyal allies? Strength born from freedom gave us the means to come to their assistance during WWII to overcome another powerful tyrant. I doubt that our forefathers ever imagined the far reaching implications of their sacrifice.
With freedom comes great good but also the potential for abuse. Not everything we have liberty to do is beneficial. A great example of this is social media. It’s both a blessing and a curse. There are days I just want to turn it off after reading yet another negative post. The internet gives us access to the world in seconds (they don’t call it the world wide web for nothing). Yet instead of using it for good, more than not, we use it to tear each other down.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for freedom of speech and against censorship. However, somehow we have lost the ability to censor ourselves. Are civility and manners only a thing of the past? We are chosen to be free. However, we must choose to use our freedom responsibly. If we continue down this path of divisiveness, we risk tearing apart the very way of life we value.
On Independence Day, we celebrate our hard fought freedom. For the past 243 years, American’s enjoy the blessing of this freedom. But sometimes we forget that with this blessing comes responsibility. We are chosen to be free yet if we use this freedom only for selfish ambition, then we miss a great opportunity. When we hoard freedom’s benefits to ourselves, it’s like burying treasure in the ground to rot and rust. Use freedom to serve one another in love. This is how freedom grows.
My friends, you were chosen to be free. So don’t use your freedom as an excuse to do anything you want. Use it as an opportunity to serve each other with love.
Galatians 5:13 CEV