I was the one in grade school that had the name no one knew how to pronounce. Maybe you were that person too. On the first day of school, the teacher called out all the student’s names alphabetically. When she came to my name, there was always a pause. Suzanne Van…Cycle? No ma’am, it’s Van Sickle, like icicle. It was the same routine every year. I longed to be the one with the easy pronunciation like Smith or Jones. Perhaps my real desire was to be known by name with no explanation necessary. Don’t we all want that too?
Earlier this year, I began again to read the Bible through chronologically, one chapter at a time. Typically I have the tendency to skip around a lot in my reading but this practice forces me to study whole passages in context. In general, this is beneficial. However, some areas of the Bible bog me down. Right now I’m in 1st Chronicles, delving through the lengthy genealogical lists of the Israelites. Every so often I come across a name I recognize, but the great majority of names belong to unknown people who lived and died long ago. What point is God trying to make?
In the past, I found these long lists tedious and often skimmed over them. Perhaps I missed the whole point entirely. Each name on the list belonged to a special person. God placed them there for a reason. Over time, human historians may have forgotten these particular people. Even so, God never forgets. The very fact that they are on the list at all says that they were known by name, each person a unique child of God.
If God so loved and knew the tribes of Israel that He listed the people by name in His book, how much more does He love and know each one of us? Jesus tells us, “even the very hairs on your head are numbered.”1 Sometimes it’s overwhelming to realize that God knows me this intimately. He sees both the good parts of me as well as the bad. Nothing is hidden from Him. For some, this might be frightening but for me, it’s a comfort. God knows me just the way I am yet He still loves me and forgives me. This is truly amazing!
So I may not answer to the name Van Sickle any longer, but it’s a part of my history. Montgomery is a bit easier to pronounce. I’m not famous and I don’t expect to see my name written in lights. When my life is over, it won’t matter whether the world offers me accolades or not. Earthly success and recognition will all pass away. At the end of existence, only one acknowledgment matters. As the roll call of Heaven begins, I want my name found on God’s list and hear the affirming words, “well done good and faithful servant”2
1Matthew 10:30 NIV 2Matthew 25:21 NIV