The last three months have been rough. I lost a cousin with a brain tumor, then shortly after, found out my sister was diagnosed with a rare type of sarcoma. Her tumor was removed but since the surgery she has dealt with numerous complications. The good news is that she is coming home from the hospital today. However, just to add more stress, a call came earlier this week from my mom’s cardiology nurse. Apparently a lead is coming loose on her pacemaker. Now she may need surgery too! When life is pressing in and I’m feeling overwhelmed, it’s time to step back out of the stress for a bit. I’m ready for a little garden therapy.
There are times in life when the old saying, “when it rains, it pours,” is absolutely true. I listen to my patient’s tell me sad stories of the woes life has dealt them and their families. No one is immune from trouble. It strikes every one of us. Our stories are different yet still the same. Jesus knew this when He said, “In this life, you will have trouble. But take heart for I have overcome the world.”1 Because of this fact of our existence, it is imperative that we stand together in our suffering. We find strength by lifting each other up in our trouble. Together we discover the courage to move forward.
The weather has not cooperated for planting the garden yet this year. However, the three previous days were sunny and dry so I took the opportunity today to get outdoors and dig. I decided long ago that I want to be a gardener in Heaven. There will be no need for doctors (or lawyers for that matter) anymore. No more cancer. No more pain. All the tears wiped away. To cultivate beauty is a gift beyond measure. Yes, I want to be a part of this: to bring a little garden therapy to the part of the world I know.

There’s something peaceful about planting seeds in the soil to ease a person’s mind. The act itself is an affirmation in the belief that life goes on beyond the present and all it’s difficulty. A gardener’s loving care gives the best possible chance for the seedlings to survive in a potentially harsh environment. The process involves breaking up the hard clods to make it easier for each seed to reach for the sky. Then the weeds are raked out to avoid choking out the young, tender plants. Finally, God brings the sunlight and just the right amount of rain for them to thrive.

Long shadows stretch across my yard as the sun dips below the horizon. The seeds of melon, cucumber, zucchini, beets and green beans lay in wait for the overnight rain to come. Refreshing, life giving water is coming. In the same way, don’t we all lay in wait for the refreshment to come from living water? Lord, bring renewal to our weary souls as we move through the trials ahead.
In the coming days, please pray for my family and I will pray for yours. May the Lord comfort and bless you and yours always.
Such lovely thoughts, Suzanne. I am praying for you and your dear family for restoration!
Thank you for your prayers! We cannot imagine the power of prayer when God’s people join together as one.