A little over a year ago, I started the (Coeur)ageous website with the intent of offering words of encouragement to a modern culture full of fear and worry. Since 9/11, the level of anxiety in general, has skyrocketed. It’s difficult not to allow the negativity of the news media as well as social media to drag us into despair. Their messages take our thoughts down paths of fearfulness. Fear is a powerful motivator for action. However, when overwhelming, it can result in total paralysis. Courage, in spite of circumstances, is a choice. We consciously make the decision to act courageously, though inside we may feel afraid. Even so, the resolution to stand up against fear is fruitless without strength to carry it out. We must choose courage but pray for strength.
In numerous passages in the Bible, the words strong and courageous are paired together. There is a logical reason for this. Strength is the physical force behind the mental decision for courage. Anytime we decide to take action of any sort, we must have adequate power to accomplish that action or our efforts are in vain. How often do we set our minds to do something but don’t take into account the strength we need for the task!
Years ago, when my children were young, we were in the habit of purchasing live Christmas trees to plant in the yard after the holidays. One such time, I was ready to get the tree out of the house but my husband was away on business. I enlisted my son, who was then 8 or 9 years old, to help me with the project. We were able to slide it out onto the front porch in it’s pot. That was not difficult. However, getting it to the hole dug for it in the yard was another story. We pushed and we pulled, struggling to get the large tree plus the root ball into a wheelbarrow. Just when we were ready to give up, help arrived unexpectedly.
Our friend, Shadrach, drove in from college to visit and saw our dilemma. With one move, he picked up the tree, carried it to the hole and plopped it in. Wow, did he make the job look easy! Garrett looked up at me and exclaimed, “I didn’t know Shad was so strong!” We had both greatly overestimated our own might and didn’t think to ask for help until we were desperate. Isn’t this the way we typically interact with God? We don’t even think to pray or ask for strength before we try everything we can on our own. Only when we are struggling and worn out with our effort do we give up. Feeling like we have failed, we finally ask God for help. But this isn’t His plan for us.
Every place God commands His people to be strong and courageous, He also adds, “I will be with you.” He doesn’t expect us to do this all on our own. When we are afraid, He is right beside us to give us the strength to be courageous. If only we ask, He willingly offers His mighty power to bolster our weakness. Don’t struggle any longer trying to do everything alone. Use prayer to tap into God Power right from the start. Choose courage but pray for strength!
Take to heart the words of King David to his son, Solomon. “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.”1
1 1Chronicles 28:20