Two friends walked together on a lonely dirt road. The day was hot and dry. Dust filled their sandals as their feet shuffled along. Even so, they didn’t seem to notice this or the fact that sweat poured down their backs. Their thoughts were elsewhere. Usually the seven mile trip passed quickly, but today their feet were heavy. Grief filled their hearts as they spoke of a dear friend and mentor who had died unexpectedly. This tragic event turned their lives upside down. What were they to do now? It seemed the logical decision to travel back home to process this devastating news and somehow try to make sense of it all.
While they were deep in conversation, another traveler came up from behind and began to pass them. Noticing their downcast expressions, the stranger asked them what had made them so sad. Then they told him of their friend’s death and how lost they felt without him. As if the newcomer understood all their fears and anxiety, he proceeded to explain why their friend had to die. He opened their eyes to the significance of this event. Burning hearts ignited within them as he spoke hope into their grieving souls.
Just as they approached their home, the man appeared to be going further. But they urged him to come in for a bite to eat since the hour was late. When he sat down with them for supper, he offered a blessing over the prepared food. At this moment, the two recognized the one they thought was a stranger was their dear friend, very much alive! Jesus had been walking with them on the road to Emmaus but they didn’t know it until he broke bread and blessed it in their presence. At once, he disappeared from their sight. Even though the sun was now setting, the two were so excited that they ran all the way back to Jerusalem to tell the others. Jesus was not dead but certainly alive!
Like these grieving disciples, I have walked lonely roads like the one to Emmaus. Strangers approached, giving me words of encouragement and hope. It was only later when I felt the inexplicable warmth of my burning heart that I knew. Jesus had been walking along with me but I didn’t recognize him. So many times in my life, circumstances occurred that simply couldn’t have transpired by chance. When I needed help, human angels appeared just at the right time, offering indispensable assistance or direction. It’s happened so often that I don’t believe in coincidence or luck anymore.
Every year, we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection in recognition of what the disciples saw and experienced that first Easter morn. We have not seen the risen Jesus face to face but yet we believe. We believe the testimony of the many who did see him and were changed people because of it. However, even more, I believe because of what I have seen his Spirit do within me and others around me. The Spirit sets burning hearts aflame to do the work of Jesus in a world that so desperately needs him now more than ever. Watch for him. He is here. Open your eyes and your heart. Jesus is alive! Even now, he walks beside you along your road to Emmaus, wherever it may lead.
What a wonderful article. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.