How many times during our journeys have we heard the proverbial question: “Are we there yet?” It’s usually from the kids in the back seat who ask the question about an hour out of the driveway. But sometimes, it’s my “not so willing traveler” husband whining about hassles at the airport while we’re trying to get out of town. At points in our life, aren’t we all guilty of this kind of grumbling? Our human nature tends to let destination desire ruin the pure joy of the journey. This intense yearning for the end point negates the potential benefits gained as we move from here to there.
Don’t we often have this same kind of destination desire when we think of Heaven? Our hearts long for this promised state of peace where every tear is dried and every sorrow relieved. The Bible describes Heaven as a wonderful place. But it’s appropriate to ask, what about our life here on earth? Jesus said, “The time is now! The kingdom of God is near.”1 If Heaven is a faraway place we can only reach when we die, then this statement makes no sense. Perhaps Jesus was trying to tell us that Heaven is much closer than we ever imagined.
God doesn’t simply invite you to Heaven. He brings a little bit of Heaven to you. This is the mysterious part that can be difficult to describe unless you’ve experienced it personally. When you are willing, God offers the gift of his Spirit to actually dwell within you. The Spirit never forces you to do anything you don’t want to do. But He offers you guidance and insight you wouldn’t possess otherwise. His soft whisper says “that might not be the best choice.” The creative idea that flashes in your head out of nowhere comes from Him. Now you have a road buddy to help you navigate the rough spots along the way. You are never alone.

The Spirit presents itself in various ways to different people. However, for everyone who desires to know God, He’s a lifelong traveling companion who offers sustenance from here to Heaven. The Spirit walks with us until we see God face to face. King David wrote about this phenomena when he penned the words to the 23rd Psalm, “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing…He guides me along the right paths, for his name’s sake.” He wasn’t talking about a faraway Heaven but a lifetime of faithful companionship with God as he walked with him throughout his existence on earth.
John Ortberg describes this in his book, Eternity is Now in Session, when he states, “God is not waiting for eternity to begin. God lives in it right now. It is the interactive fellowship and joy that exists between Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Eternity is rolling right along, and we are invited to be a part of it-now.” There’s nothing innately wrong with destination desire. I yearn for Heaven with all my heart. However, if we focus our attention solely on our final landing place, we truly miss out. There is an exciting, lifelong adventure just waiting… if only we accept God’s invitation to join us in our journey.
1Mark 1:15