The sun rose again today. Its light penetrates the haze to reflect off the snow covered ground outside my window. Even though the form of this fiery, orange ball hides behind the clouds, I know its still there. Every morning I set my alarm, depending on the sun to ascend into the sky, heralding the beginning of a new day. Perhaps tomorrow I won’t awaken to see the dawn peeking up over the horizon. Even yet, I trust that the sun’s glory will rise as in all the previous days of my life.
I trust that what I see and experience is reliable and true. If I say that I believe something, but I can’t cite evidence of it’s existence, then my belief is suspect. On the other hand, just like the sun hidden behind the cl0uds, I don’t have to actually see it to know that it is present. It’s rays warm my skin. It’s energy causes plants to grow. Clues to its existence abound all around me. When the sun is absent, the world is cold and dead.
So it is with God’s Spirit. I see evidence of His existence in the complexity and order of the world around me. When I inspect my beehive, I rarely see the Queen. If I look very carefully, I may see her in the midst of a crowd of other bees, but I may not. Nevertheless, I notice her neatly laid eggs and larvae in various stages of growth. Present are small newborn bees emerging to replace the older workers. All these observations confirm that a Queen is in the hive and she is doing the work that only she can do. The very growth of the bee colony depends upon the Queen. Without her, the hive is doomed.
The intricate design of a beehive and the dependability of the sun speak volumes to the presence of a Creator. There always will be scientists with other explanations. However, I have found that the more I study science, the deeper my belief in God develops . The Apostle Paul wrote in his letter to the Romans, “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.”1 The sheer sophistication of the world as we know it, could not have happened just by chance alone.
Belief in a Creator who loves me and has my best interest at heart may not be a popular viewpoint in today’s society. Nevertheless, what I see with my own eyes attests to His faithfulness. Belief develops a foundation of trust and trust leads to action. Look with your own eyes and question with your own mind what is reliable and true. Choose this day what you believe then let those choices direct your actions
“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”2
1Romans1:20 2Proverbs 23:7
Dear Suzanne,
This entry is so perfect as our family and friends gather to remember Kim, our “Queen bee”.
Her love for God became front and center in her life, more pronounced in recent years. Serving as his vessel as she volunteered in a local soup kitchen and reading His word to support her mission. Yet most reflective, which I’m certain is God’s message driven through your writing, Kim was a champion of preserving nature in harmony with her passion for bees which grew from her son Ryan’s hobby as a beekeeper and now fulltime business building hives for his online Portland business. Surely God is speaking through FaceBook today via your talents.
We gather in sorrow, yet know Kim is in the eternal sunshine of our Savior. ❤️
We hold precious our family and look forward to seeing you and Beth tomorrow. Safe travels on your way to Huntingburg and the remainder of all of our journeys ahead.
Love in Christ,
Kim’s posts on Facebook about her bees encouraged me to start a hive last spring. I’m thrilled that they are actually still alive after the cold this winter.
We’re looking forward to seeing you tomorrow but sad that it’s for her memorial. Kim will be greatly missed. Moreover, tomorrow will be a celebration of a life well lived. This we must keep in our hearts. Every time I work with my bees, I will be reminded of her.
Love always,