Reliable and True

The sun rose again today. Its light penetrates the haze to reflect off the snow covered ground outside my window. Even though the form of this fiery, orange ball hides behind the clouds, I know its still there. Every morning I set my alarm, depending on the sun to ascend…
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Change is on the Way

Winter in the Midwest can be brutal. By this time in the season, those of us living here are in survival mode. We bundle up in layers of clothes, scrape our cars while they warm up and then pray that we don’t slide off the road or flatten a tire…
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Start Small but Dream Big

Twenty-five years ago in an adult Sunday School class at Tabernacle Presbyterian Church, an idea was born. There was a need for health care in their inner city Indianapolis neighborhood. Out of this need, a few people dreamed of starting a clinic for the community. They began small with an…
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Unexpected Blessing

Every day God brings us blessings to brighten our lives. At times He surprises us with a gift we never asked for and never thought we needed. Over the years, as my kids were growing up, we raised a menagerie of animals in our rural Indiana home. Stray dogs and…
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