Don’t let garbage subdue Grace
For every new beginning, there must also be an ending. Old junk needs to be cleaned out before any fresh creation begins. We all intuitively know this. However, instead of going through the necessary purging process, we often forge ahead amidst the mess. Then we stand back wondering why our dreams fall into chaos.

The present cold, snowy Indiana winter gives me the “opportunity” to work on some of my junk. Not that I really want to purge my stuff. It’s much easier to leave it safely hidden away in closets and cabinets. However, we want to refurbish our back porch/mudroom. I have a picture in my mind how it will look and function. Presently, this room is the stash spot for every old coat, worn out work shoe, half filled paint can and partially used seed packet. For any renovation to occur, the junk must go.
Hidden within the clutter, however, I found some treasures. My misplaced gardening tools now sit ready for use this next spring. I organized all the extra extension cords and batteries in bins of their own for easy access in the future. Within one of the cabinets, I discovered at least 20 pairs of Playtex gloves. Who buys this many duplicates of one thing? Apparently we are guilty without knowing it. At least these will be a great donation to the kids at church for their work trip this summer. We must sort everything , deciding if we pitch, repurpose or give it away. This necessitates systematically digging through all the mess. There is no other way.
Isn’t it the same with our inner self? We go along for years stashing and stuffing accumulated junk. It’s too easy to dismiss guilt, shame, and unforgiveness to the inner recesses of our soul. Digging them out is far too painful to even consider. Whether we like it or not, they leak out in the form of sarcasm and bitterness.
But when it’s quiet and we’re not distracted by the constant noise of the world around us, a still small voice says, “It’s time.” Time for an inventory. What stays and what goes? What do we need to give away? Within the disarray, we find treasures still. There is a soft, compassionate heart buried in the rubbish. Drag it out. Clean it off. Don’t let garbage subdue Grace. Throw out the snappy tongue and negative attitude. The world needs your kindness and care now more than anytime in history. It is a rare and priceless gem within the junk.