Relax, Reflect and Renew. Relish this wonderous gift.

Light snow flakes blow in waves across the already brilliant white space between our home and the chicken house. None of the birds have peered out today but I don’t blame them. They huddle together next to their warming light and I camp out near our wood stove. Cuddled under a soft, fleece blanket, the flames and their warmth lull me to sleep. Ah…what a wonderful way to spend this snow day.
Earlier, I started some chili in the crockpot and baked banana blueberry bread with some over ripe bananas that needed to be used. Four inches of the predicted 5-7 inches has already fallen but it hasn’t stopped yet. The promise of snow gives me the opportunity to slow down a bit. Not much I need to do away from home anyway that can’t wait. Most days I’m in such a hurry to get from here to there to everywhere that I have forgotten how to relax.

Remember back as children how exciting it was to wake to new fallen snow and find out that school was closed for the day? Bundled in snowsuits, hats and gloves, we trundled out into the winter wonderland of our own front yard. There we joined with the neighborhood kids to build snow forts and pummel each other in a friendly snow ball fight. Later we pulled out our sleds and headed for a local hill, racing to see who could slide to the bottom the fastest. These were glorious days. We returned home red faced and exhausted but full of joy.
Somehow over the years, we lost the sheer abandon of childhood. In all the busyness, we rush past the beauty standing right before us. Then a snowstorm blocks our intended trajectory. It forces us to pause even if just for a day. Relax, Reflect and Renew. Relish this wonderous gift. Everyone needs a snow day!