The beginning of every year is a time for fresh starts. We set out new goals. Some pick one word to focus on while others make New Year Resolutions for change. We dream of losing weight, running a marathon, finding a new job, or perhaps, writing a book. Statistically, the great majority of these fresh starts never go further than the first month of the year before they are forgotten. We dream dreams but have little strength to carry them through to completion. Strength or perseverance is essentially what we are lacking. I am not referring to physical power but inner fortitude or tenacity. It’s the will to keep moving ahead even when faced with insurmountable challenges that gives us strength for the New Year.
We were given a inspiring example of such strength in the person of Tyler Trent who passed away yesterday after a long fight with bone cancer. I don’t personally know much about Tyler but his story drew me in like it did so many others. He lived in Carmel Indiana, just a few miles away from my home and he attended my alma mater, Purdue University. He gained national attention after predicting an unlikely Purdue win over Ohio State this fall. Even though the cancer had returned, he attended the game to watch his beloved Boilermakers tromp the Buckeyes. Tyler’s spirit and resilience attracted our notice and admiration. How could someone only 20 yrs. old have such strength knowing that he was ultimately losing his battle with cancer?
The answer comes in an article by Gregg Doyle, Tyler Trent Made a Difference, written for IndyStar. From the first diagnosis of cancer to his last breath, people surrounded Tyler with prayer. His family prayed and he prayed for healing but he also prayed to make a difference. Some people show us great truths through how they live and others show us how to live by how they die. Indeed, Tyler Trent made a difference to thousands like myself, who never had the opportunity to even meet him. He depended on a Strength greater than himself and a Hope that carried him into the next life.
How do we find strength for the New Year, not knowing what challenges we may face? I hold onto the verse of scripture chosen by my workplace as our focus for 2019. “Be Strong and Courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”1 I am blessed to work in a Community Health Center with people who believe in the power of prayer. Challenges will confront us in the coming year but the Lord is with us. I believe this with all my heart. Many people come to us for help. May God strengthen us and show us how to make a difference to all who walk through our doors in 2019.
1Joshua 1:9
Thank you once again for an encouraging message of hope, peace and security in a world which seems to be going the wrong direction.