The Gift of Love at Christmas is permanent and priceless.

All the presents are open. The festivities are complete. Everyone has returned to their regular routine after the whirlwind of preparation leading up to Christmas. Sometimes the calm after all the craziness leaves me a little melancholy. I enjoy visiting with friends and family who traveled from as far as North Carolina and California to come home for the holidays. Many still live close by, but all my children, niece and nephew are grown up now. They have homes of their own and some are hoping to have children of their own soon. We come together at Christmas, but all too soon, scatter again.
The prime goal of parenthood is to produce independent citizens of society who hopefully give back to make the world a better place. Like a mother bird, we all want to see our children successfully leave the nest to become the wonderful people we envisioned. However, at times, our hearts just miss having the kids around on a regular basis. It was like a 3 ring circus at our house before they all left home, but some days, the empty nest feels just too empty.
Overall though, I am very thankful. Even when we are separated by great distances, I know I am loved. The opposite is also true. My love for them spans distance and time. Since God is love and He is everywhere, love knows no boundaries. It is an energizing force that cannot be destroyed. Like matter, it just changes form. Not even death can stop it. It lives on into the next life and eternity.
The gift of Love at Christmas is permanent and priceless. Nothing can take it away…”neither death nor life, neither angels or demons, neither present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, our Lord.”1
Love came down at Christmas in the form of a baby. During His life, Jesus showed us what love really means. Another name for Jesus is Emmanuel-God with us. Jesus came down from Heaven to live with us. If we embrace Him and follow His example, we are Love’s expression to the world.
Know that you are loved today, no matter what your circumstances. In this post-Christmas time, after the excitement of the holiday is past, be Love to the people around you. They hunger and long for this Love that never ends.
1Romans 8:37-39