Out of all the gifts we give at Christmas, isn’t the gift of time what our hearts long for the most?

Too much to do with too little time. This is my life much of the Christmas season. I love preparing for the celebration and choosing gifts for family and friends but every year I feel a bit overwhelmed. The house is decorated and the tree is trimmed. However, none of the presents are wrapped and it’s less than two weeks before Christmas! Forget about sending cards. That’s not going to happen. I know that I’m not the only one who feels caught in this dilemma. We live in an age of busyness and numerous distractions vie for our attention. Out of all the gifts we give at Christmas, isn’t the gift of time what our hearts long for the most?
Hurrying from one task to the next wears me out and is self defeating. Do I need more minutes or hours in my day? Though this might seem beneficial, this is not the solution. The solution is not more time to create the perfect holiday but taking time to find meaningfulness within it. When we seek to cultivate relationships, we give a gift of ultimate value…our time.
There is a beautiful story in the Bible about two sisters that reveals the eternal tension between “doing” and “being”. Martha hurries to prepare a meal for Jesus and his disciples while Mary sits at Jesus feet listening to him speak. When Martha complains that Mary is not helping her, Jesus surely surprised the others with his response. In a culture that did not recognize the value of women, Jesus affirmed Mary’s choice. “Martha, dear Martha, you’re fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing. One thing only is essential and Mary has chosen it.”1
The one essential thing Jesus speaks of is relationship. Nothing was basically wrong with Martha’s actions except that she let them consume her. She spent too much time preparing for Jesus and not enough time simply being with him. Do we do the same with our family every holiday? Do we plan time just to be with those we love or do preparations wear us out before the celebration begins?
During this Christmas season, I vow to live more like Mary in this Martha world. Let me take time to go on winter walks with my husband. Slow down enough to visit with my parents and their dogs. Stress less and laugh more with my children. Tonight, my sister and I plan to see a movie together. We both need some time just spent together having fun.
How about you? When the hustle of the holidays closes in, remember what is essential. Give the gift of time to those you love, for these are the moments you will cherish forever.
1Luke 10:41-42