Prayer, by definition, is an entreaty or petition to God. Many prayers contain thanks or praise for what God has already done, though almost every prayer consists of asking God for something specific. Give us this day our daily bread. Heal my illness. Help me find a job, a mate, or even a parking spot. I’ve heard it said that we often treat God like a cosmic vending machine. But what would happen if we turned prayer around and instead asked God what He wanted from us? This could be a very risky prayer. What if God actually answered?
Last week in my blog, I told you about how I came to meet my friend Shadrach. However, I didn’t give you the first part of the story. Before my startling experience on that Sunday morning in 1993 when God gave me a very clear message, I had been praying. Actually, I had been praying for a long time before that day, asking God for direction. I had an unsettled feeling that God wanted me to do something more but I didn’t know what. No matter how much I prayed for an answer, the restless spirit in my soul would not go away. Finally, somewhat frustrated, I prayed, “God, show me what You want me to do. I’m open and willing to do whatever you have for me.”
When I finally decided to surrender my own desires and priorities to God, it cleared the way for events far beyond my human understanding. I was not prepared for the wild adventure that began when I prayed this risky, dangerous prayer. You see, I’m just like anyone else. I love to be in control. Some would say, I’m a perfectionist. If I’m honest, I’d admit that I feel most comfortable when everything is going my way. Give complete control over to someone else? No way!
But this is what God was asking of me. What is it that God is asking of you? We are all made in His image. We have amazing creativity and abilities. However, when we try to do everything with our own mind and our own strength, without God’s help, we fall short of the potential hidden in each one of us. When we give up some of our precious control and allow God’s power to move through us, literally nothing is impossible.
God shook up my world when He directed me to help Shadrach. I was a witness to miracle after miracle that occurred in the whole process of Shadrach coming to the US as a refugee and becoming a dentist. Yet I still have control issues. I know from first hand experience what amazing things can happen when I give up that control, even though it’s still a bit scary. It’s a risky prayer to ask God what He wants us to do for Him. Take the risk and trust Him with the outcome. The adventure will be more than worth it. It was for me.