Do you ever struggle choosing what direction to go or what action to take next? How great it would be if I had a cloud guiding me by day and a fire lighting my way at night like the Israelites. After they were freed from captivity in Egypt, God instructed Moses to build a Tabernacle where the Glory of the Lord resided. The cloud of the Lord was over the Tabernacle by day and fire was in the cloud by night, in the sight of all the people. Whenever the cloud lifted, the Israelites moved. When it stayed, the people stayed whether it was for just a day or for a year. “At the Lord’s command, they encamped and at the Lord’s command, they set out.”1
Life would be much easier with obvious direction from God. But unfortunately, it doesn’t usually work that way. I do believe that He puts people and situations in my path purposefully for my benefit. Sometimes I recognize His intervention, though many times I don’t until the opportunity (or challenge) has passed. I’m stubborn enough to need a hammer to hit me over the head or a fiery cloud to follow. It has not been often but there have been instances when God has done dramatic things to get my attention through direct divine intervention. One such instance was when I met my friend, Shadrach.
On a Sunday morning in the summer of 1993, a local missionary came to speak at our church. During her talk, she mentioned a very promising young man in Liberia that attended one of the Methodist Operation Classroom schools there. He had the intelligence and desire to go to college but didn’t have the means to do so. Ordinarily, I would have heard this, felt sad for this young man, and then would have gone on with my life as usual. What could I do anyway? But this day was different. God had a plan and He wanted me to be a part of it.
As I sat listening, I felt a sensation like firm hands on both of my shoulders and heard a voice in my head saying, “You can help this young man.” I didn’t know a thing about him, not even his name. But I followed the missionary out into the parking lot of the church and gave her my contact information. Sheepishly, I told her, “Maybe I can help.”
Months later, I received my first letter from Shadrach, followed by many more. In 1995, he arrived in the US with plans to become a doctor. After many set backs and challenges, he received his degree as a Doctor of Dentistry from Indiana University. He now owns his own dental practice in Indianapolis and is married with 3 children. I wrote the details of this amazing story in a memoir, Letters Out of Africa
I don’t have a cloud by day or fire by night to lead me. But sometimes God has rested His hands on me to give me a special assignment. It’s been 25 years since the adventure with Shadrach began. There have been many difficulties to overcome to get to where both he and I are today. Even though I was a part of this story, it still amazes me. God is faithful in all He does. He knows the plans He has for each one of us and will go to great lengths to accomplish them. By saying, “Yes” to God’s plan, my direction has been changed forever.
1Numbers 9:17